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From: Jason Froehlich
Ogden, UT
They said I’m a total madman when I started my first business after the 2008 financial crisis.
With zero leads and just 2 months of working capital, I signed a 5-year lease on a high-rent property.
It was a “do or die” situation.
And it was also the source of my greatest discovery…
I’ve learned how to pitch profitably, which enabled me to get clients consistently and predictably.
And the best thing is…
It required no presentation skills or experience.
No charisma, charm, or some other slimy tricks. Nor did it require an extravert personality.
Matter of fact, when I handed my pitch script to a new employee with zero experience…
She closed 83% of all prospects in the enrollment conversation.
And she kept up the 83% closing rate over the years.
In my book, The Profitable Pitch, I reveal everything I’ve learned in the past 13 years crafting and refining pitches that sell.
Whether you want more clients, funding for your business, or even getting people to say “YES!” on an internal presentation…
The Profitable Pitch will show you exactly how to do that.
It's made for busy people, so you’ll learn everything you need in just 79 short pages (including covers).
It also comes with worksheets, and resources to put what you’ve learned into use immediately.
Try my methods in this book, and start getting the results you desire and deserve.
When you order today, you'll receive a digital download copy immediately after your purchase is complete.
When you order today, you'll receive a digital download copy immediately after your purchase is complete.
If you like to scroll down to the bottom of the page to see “what’s the deal”, here it is…
The Profitable Pitch is a book that teaches you how to turn bland pitches into wildly successful ones.
Yes, the book is only a $1.99, and you can start reading it immediately. It should take you less than two hours to finish it.
There are NO hidden “continuity programs” or scammy shenanigans.
I hate those as much as you do. There will be a few offers after you purchase, but those are for the ones who really want faster results - both impact and income.
You also get free access to five bonus worksheets that will help you put what you’ve learned in the book to use immediately.
Here's my profitable pitch promise to you...
I’ll refund you the full amount, and let you keep the digital book and all the bonuses.
Just send me your purchase receipt and I’ll return what you’ve paid.
If it sounds fair, click the button below to order your free copy of the book.
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Thank you for your time and giving me your attention to read this far.
I love pitches. There is something magical about speaking your words, conveying your message, and helping others through one of the most powerful forms of communication.
Over the past 15 years I've been working with others to help them develop the confidence to present their vision to their audience. Now, the "audience" may have been different, but the formula I used worked for each of them in their unique and distinct way.
Here's just a brief list of what they've been able to do with The Profitable Pitch...
Back in 2010, I transitioned away from the whole sell-sell-sell approach and started down a different path.
I started learning the "secrets" of using a non-selling pitch.
This worked perfect for me because I am naturally shy. I don't like to boast or brag. I get nervous when speaking in front of others (even to an audience of one). And I don't think of myself as the next great charismatic pitchman.
I just want to share my message, help others, pull in a significant income, and feel like I'm making a difference without losing my integrity. And, if you are like me, then...
This became a life-changing business for me. I hit six-figures within twelve months. I created security for my family, freedom in my business, and started overturning opportunities I never thought possible.
I then refined my process and created a system out of it so I could build a team.
By yourself you can go fast, but with a team you can go far. With all the different strategies and tactics out there, our team found that just a single great pitch can transform your business, cause, mission, or message into life-changing experiences.
Inside this digital book, you'll uncover the formula I used to turn my vision into something spectacular. It changed lives and impacted them positively for the rest of their life.
There are countless reasons why you might want a pitch. If you are looking for a pitch that gets results, then there should be no reason for you to be on the fence about the book.
You'll read for yourself how you can turn one pitch into an asset that pays for itself in compounding ways.
See you on the other side of this,
Jason Froehlich
When you order today, you'll receive a digital download copy immediately after your purchase is complete.