An Invitation To Struggling Martial Arts School Owners

Do You Want To Know How To Consistently & Predictably Book More Trials Classes and Enroll More New Students Every Month?

Watch the video below and I'll breakdown a case study with you that proves the methods are absolutely no hype and no bull$h*t.

Book Your Call With Me Below

Jason Froehlich

What Is My Pay For Enrollment?

It's simple. If you don't enroll students, you don't pay me! 

Let's be upfront, have you ever had anyone willing to put their money where their mouth is when it comes to growing your school? I bet you haven't. I surely didn't in all my years owning a school.  Everyone wanted me to pay them and hope it worked.

You'll get truck loads of people telling you they can bring more business to your door. But, they won't risk a single bit of skin to achieve that for you. I'll risk to help you with your school.

My PFE Program Is For You, If:

You're serious about growing your school
Are sick and tired of being on the struggle bus
You're open-minded and willing to work together to double your enrollment in the next 6 months
You want to fill your school with ideal students who want to pay you more than $159/month
You want to stop worry about the economy or what your competitors are doing
You want to be in the top 3% of school owners in your area who make the biggest impact 
There is nothing holding you back from taking your school to the next level
You are simply just willing to jump on a call with me

Book Your Call With Me Below

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