
How Many Times Have You Thought... "Why Don't I Have More Students"?

Most martial art business experts make you believe that the only way to get more students is to sacrifice your integrity or hand out belts like candy. So, is there a way to book more trials and enroll more students in ALL your classes without selling out?

Here's how you can increase your trial classes, enroll more student, and grow your school in the next six months (and without compromising your values or watering down your lessons).

Watch What I Have To Say About Attracting, Booking, & Enrolling More Students Into Your School

Find out if my program can help your school...

I find that 97% of the martial artist I talk with do not know how to attract more students.

You spend decades learning your art. None of that training was on martial arts school marketing, inbound booking, or enrollment.

It's not just about advertising, putting signs out, mailing postcards, or doing more events.

Getting those prospects to book a trial class can be difficult. This leads to spending a lot of money with little or nothing to show for your effort.

I help you attract ideal students who consistently book trial classes. Enroll more students who will stay with you longer. Who are willing to pay you more, and appreciate what you teach them. This helps you earn more monthly income.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, you're probably a great martial artist. Teach great classes. Students, and parents, tell you that your school is amazing. You have had many students come from other schools and were blown away with how and what you teach them. Right?

You can't seem to figure out why more people aren't finding your school and trying your classes. Why your school isn't growing, or what your doing wrong. We help you fill your school with new students. You don't have to become a marketer, advertiser, or business person you don't have time to be or want to be. You simply can teach classes and enjoy life.

My #1 goal is to help your school enroll more students, and grow.

Jason Froehlich

Let me start by sharing some insight into how I do all this for you...

If you are not speaking to enough prospects, you are doomed.

Your martial arts school is like a living organism - in a constant state of change. Students come, train, and at some point leave.

You need to find enough qualified prospects to book a trial class.

There are countless ways to attract new students.

But I have a favorite way because it:

Doesn’t require you to chase after anyone
Doesn't require you to cold call
Doesn't require you to knock on doors
Doesn't require you to waste money or time at booths or events
Doesn't require you to beg for referrals
Doesn't require you to do school talks
Doesn't require you to be unethical, put on a clown suit, or compromise your integrity
And, it doesn't require you to offer low discount classes or specials!

You do not have to “water down” your coaching, style, or standards.

I accomplish this for you by taking a direct approach to attracting qualified prospects to your school. Instead of going out and doing all these things that seem salesy, give you minimum results, and simply waste your time, you can sit back and allow someone to come to you.

You don't look desperate, and you aren't having to sell anything.

There's no easier way to attract new students than having a targeted website and marketing strategy that converts visitors into trial classes.

Why is having a 'targeted' website and marketing strategy the perfect way to attract new students?

99% of people interested in martial arts start with online searching.
Majority make their decision based on what they read on your website.
More than 98% of them will either book online or call to try a class.
It's the quickest and easiest way for them to decide on a school.
Marketing keep your school at the top of the search page.

My very first school was built on this one two-prong strategy.

Within the first two months of opening, all my business expenses were covered. That first year and beyond, I've been able to make a great living as a full-time instructor.

Now, I am going to do this for you so you attract more prospects, get higher-quality trial classes, and enroll more students in your school that stay longer.

Normally, you'd have to pay someone thousands, more accurately tens of thousands, to do this for you, but that won't be the case with me.

Keep reading...

After reviewing hundreds of martial arts school websites, I've found they either really suck or they are generic.

The ones that don't hit the mark, have zero that communicates anything other than some me-driven message that doesn't speak to anyone.

The other not-so-bad school websites are simply generic and end up doing the same thing as the terrible ones. They don't really convey anything compelling that convinces the reader to book a trial class.

It is a simple fix, but not easy to do.

You website needs to be one single powerful marketing machine that consistently attracts the ideal students you want, and repels the ones you don't want.

It should answer a visitors needs within the first ten seconds they visit your home page, and it should guide them to exactly what they want to learn about immediately after that.

Finally, it should convince the visitor that your school is one of the best choices they could make by book a trial class or calling to get scheduled.

Do that and you will consistently and predictably book trial classes, enroll more students, and grow your school.

Take this short questionnaire to see if my PFE program will work for your school - no email or contact info required.

If you find out your school will benefit, you'll be taken to a private page where you can book a free phone call with me to discuss your school, your needs, and what my program is all about. This is not a sales call or pitch. We simply talk about what your goals are and how to achieve them.

Okay. At this point, you might have a few concerns

If I was you, I might be hesitant to believe this is any different than all the other stuff that is being 'sold' to me about growing my school. I don’t blame you. You should NEVER believe me or anyone else on blind faith.

There are two parts to this. The part I do, and the part you do. But, before we get into that, let’s address some of your concerns.

Concern #1: "I knew it. You're just going to sell me on website design services."

Arguably, I have seen my share of terrible looking martial arts websites. But it isn't the look or design of the website that really matters.

I’ve seen websites that actually were good enough, but those same owners were telling me they had less than twenty students and couldn’t figure out why more people weren't coming into their school.

Then, I speak to the owners who have a really nice looking website, have about sixty to ninety students, but can't seem to attract and book more qualified prospects.

I’m not going to tell you that you need website design services.

That isn't going to help grow your school.

What I see 98% of the schools that have mediocre websites doing wrong is they aren't communicating to their potential customer with a message that resonates with them.

The other 2% that have really nice looking websites, have generic messaging on their website which doesn't excite any potential student or parent. Basically, 100% of all student attraction is not working.

Fix this problem and you are well on your way to growing your school.

Concern #2: "I've worked with others in the past and got minor results"

I’ve had practically every martial arts industry expert reach out to me and try to sell me on their services. They even walked into my school and immediately pitched me. That's right. I've heard the "pay me $25-50K and I'll help you get hundreds of new students" sales pitch.

Then, I've seen every single ad on Facebook and Google trying to convince me about becoming a 7-Figure Martial Arts Business Owner.

At one time, I finally caved in and hired a very professional and successful organization to see if they could help me grow.
For four months, I got zero results (actually lost students), but I still had to pay them over $600/mo. (this was their entry level pricing plan). That's cost is painful when you aren't getting results and have to scrap together an extra $600 when you can barely make ends meet.

I was then advised to upgrade to their higher priced plan, get more help from them, and I'd see better results. It just didn't sound right to me, so I removed myself from the program.

I’m not going to sit here and claim you'll make seven-figures.

I’m not going to claim you'll get 30-50 new trial bookings every month.

What I will say is let’s focus on getting you 6-10 new students every month. That any martial arts school can grow with.
But the even bigger more important factor is that if you don't get results, you don't pay me! You risk, I risk.

If I can't deliver, why should you have to pay me, right? I'll tell you more about this part in a bit.

Concern #3: "Are there any restrictions?"

You might be thinking that you have to have hundreds of students already to work with me.

Nope. I worked with school owners who had fifteen or less students when they started.

Your current student count doesn't matter. What matters is your willingness to see the value I bring to your school.

You're not going to have to navigate advertising. You're not going to have to become a marketing guru. You’re not going to have to sell out to get more students.

I help YOU build your school so you can focus on being a full-time instructor (if you aren’t already), retire your spouse (if you have one), or build your business so it is sellable when you are ready to retire.

Concern #4: "This is all just going pitch me something."

I get it.

I’ve read enough of these things. Been on enough calls. Met with enough ’experts'. And watched enough videos to smell a pitch a mile away.

So, I wanted to bring this up right here, right now.

If you decide to answer the short questionnaire to find out if what I’m talking about here could help you, and you decide to jump on a phone call with me, I'm telling you right now that I am not going to pitch you anything.

On the call, we simply discuss your business problems and needs. Then, we can discuss what my program is and possibly what could happen next. You are not going to be sold anything. You will not be forking out any money. 

I'm not going to be reaching in your wallet!

Here's what one school has to say...

I heard it all before...

I've been to our industry's SuperShow for the last ten or fifteen years...heck, it's probably been more like twenty. I've sat through all the classes. Heard all the successful schools share their systems. Spoke to one expert after another. I got some great stuff from all that. It is absolutely valuable. But, my school trial classes and new enrollment were absolutely unpredictable every month. I didn't know if I was going to get one or ten or nothing at the start of each month. That gets downright old after having a school for over 25 years. I wanted something consistent. Something I could rely on. Not only rely on, but something that didn't require me to be some bull$h^t school. I'm old school. Twenty year retired Marine. I wasn't going to become the belt factory. Not a chance. So, all this had to fit my beliefs or I wasn't going to do it. Enter Jason. He understood my position and what I wanted. He took the part I didn't want to do off my hands - marketing, advertising, having to promote my school - and allowed me to be the martial arts teacher I wanted to be. Now, my school grows by at
least six or more students each month. I don’t sit in my school wondering if someone will call or book a trial class anymore, they just keep coming in every week. As predictable as the sun rising tomorrow.

Master Luis De La Rosa - San Diego, CA

It's great to hear about another school's success, right? But, anyone can find at least three to six people to say nice things about them. How about I show you exactly what Master D is getting? Currently, right now in the month of June and July 2023.

See what's happening in the month of June and July 2023... watch now.

See what happened a month ago... watch now.

Pay For Enrollment Guarantee!

It’s a direct and simple guarantee. If you don’t enroll students, you don't pay me.

Let’s be upfront. Everyone wants you to pay them first, then hope for the best. I'm putting my money where my mouth is.

I'm willing to risk my time, skills, knowledge, and expertise to start helping you grow your school without having to pay me for my services unless you enroll students.

Let me end with this...

I'm not just some marketer, advertising agency owner, or some business expert trying to get you to sell out to grow your school.

I want to see your school grow. I want you to get off the struggle bus and build a business that changes your future...your life.

I’ve been in your shoes. I’ve had a lease to pay, bills to cover, staff that counted on me, and students who enjoyed training in my school.

You probably have all this, or maybe even more. So, what I want to end with is to say you will be working with a fellow martial artist. Someone who loves the art as much as the martial.

So, you will get my dedication, my drive, and my discipline to help you attract better qualified prospects, get them to come in and try your classes, and enroll them as new students.

You will get someone who understands your position. Understands who you want to be, and will work to make sure you get that.

If you are the kind of martial artist who believes students should earn their rank, work for what they get, and develop skills that work, then I think we should talk.

Take my questionnaire and see if this is going to work for you.

This is how you know if you should take my questionnaire...

You're serious about growing your school
Are sick and tired of being on the struggle bus
You're open-minded and willing to work together to double your enrollment in the next 6 months
You want to fill your school with ideal students who want to pay you at least $159/month
You want to stop worry about the economy or what your competitors are doing
You want to be in the top 3% of school owners in your area who make the biggest impact
There is nothing holding you back from taking your school to the next level
You are willing to jump on a phone call with me If the questionnaire shows this program could possible help you

Take the 5 questionnaire below...

Once you're done with the last questions, hit the 'next' button and you'll be taken to a private page letting you know if we can help you. If so, you'll get a chance to schedule a call with me to find out the full details.

Copyright 2020-Present JJF Holding, LLC The Profitable Pitch. All Rights Reserved.

Answer the 5 questions below...

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